Who? Me?!

Het laatste commentaar op de oorlog, te gast: Uri Avnery
Who? Me?!
TODAY, THE war entered its fifth week. Hard to believe: our mighty army has now been fighting for 29 days against a “gang” and “terrorist organization”, as the military commanders like to describe them, and the battle has still not been decided.

Yesterday, military sources in Israel announced that 400 of the 1200 Hizbullah “terrorists” have been killed. That’s to say, a mere 1200 fighters have been standing against the tens of thousands of our soldiers, who are equipped with the most advanced weapons on earth, and hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens are still under rocket fire while our soldiers continue to be killed.

WHO? ME? Now everybody already admits that something basic has gone wrong in this war. The proof: the War of the Generals, that previously started only after the conclusion of a war, has now become public while the war is still going on.

The Chief-of-Staff, Dan Halutz, has found the culprit: Udi Adam, the chief of the Northern Command. He has practically dismissed him in the middle of the battle. That is the old ploy of the thief shouting “Stop thief!” After all, it is obvious that the person mainly to blame for the failures of the war is Halutz himself, with his foolish belief that Hisbullah could be defeated by aerial bombardment alone.

But it is not only at the top of the army that mutual accusations are flying around. The army command accuses the government, which is retaliating in kind.

On the eve of his downgrading, Udi Adam publicly accused the government of tying his hands. Meaning: the government is guilty. Ehud Olmert did not remain silent and declared that the army had not submitted any plans for widening the campaign. That’s to say: if you are incompetent, don’t blame me!

To justify himself, Olmert added a significant sentence: “From the first day of the war, the government has not refused the army a single request!” In other words, it is the Chief-of-Staff who makes policy and conducts the war, while the political leadership just rubber stamps everything that the army “requests”.

But this is a sterile debate, because it ignores the main fact, which is becoming clearer from day to day: it is altogether impossible to win this war. That’s why nothing is working as planned.

PLAN? WHAT PLAN? Years ago the military commentator of Haolam Hazeh, the magazine I was editing at the time, got fed up with the boast the our army excels in improvisation. “The ability to improvise,” he wrote, “Is just another name for our inability to plan.”

According to the reports, the Israeli army has been preparing for this war for more than three years. The last exercise took place a month before the war started and included the invasion of Lebanon by land forces. It is clear that the command did not anticipate a campaign that would last for four weeks and more. What the hell! After all, it was against a small gang of terrorists. This just confirms the dictum that even the best war plan does not survive the first day of war.

THE WAR OF THE POOR. It is quite clear that the army command’s wonderful plan did not include the defense of the rear within rocket range. There was no plan for the solution of the hundred and one problems emanating from the attack on Hizbullah: from the protection of the civilian population from thousands of missiles to the necessary economic arrangements when a third of the country’s population is living under bombardment and is paralysed.

Now the public is crying out, and soon the ministers and generals will have to try to find somebody to blame for that, too.

For this war is being fought on the backs of the weak, who cannot afford to “evacuate themselves” from the rockets’ area. The rich and well-to-do have got out long ago – in Israel as well as in Lebanon. The poor, the old, the sick and the handicapped remain in the shelters. They are the main sufferers. But that does not cause them to oppose the war. On the contrary, they are the most vociferous group in Israel demanding “to go to the end”, “to smash them”, “to wipe them out”.

That is not new, either: the weakest in society always want to feel that they belong to the strongest nation. Those who have nothing become the biggest patriots. And they are also the main victims.

Those who initiated and planned the war cynically flatter the inhabitants of the North, who are stuck there, calling them “heroes” and lauding their “wonderful steadfastness”.

UNITED CYNICS. Now the end of the killing depends on the UN.

David Ben-Gurion called it contemptuously “UNO-SHMUNO” (UM-SHMUM in Hebrew). In the 1948 war, he violated its cease-fire resolutions whenever it suited him (as a soldier I took part in some of these actions). He and all his successors over the years have violated almost all the UN decisions concerning us, arguing (not without justification) that the organization was dominated by an automatic anti-Israeli majority, consisting of the Soviet bloc and Third World countries.

Since then, the situation has changed. The Soviet bloc has collapsed and the UN has become an arm of the US State department. Kofi Annan has become a janitor and the real boss is the US delegate, John Bolton, a raving neo-con and therefore a great friend of Israel. He wants the war to go on.

The name of the American game is: to give the Israeli army more days, and perhaps more weeks, to go on with the war, to pursue the mirage of victory, while pretending to make great efforts to stop the war. It seems that Olmert has promised Bush to win after all, if given time.

The new proposals of the Beirut government have lit red lights in Jerusalem. The Lebanese government proposes to deploy 15 thousand Lebanese troops along the border, declare a cease-fire and get the Israeli troops out of Lebanon. That is exactly what the Israeli government demanded at the start of the war. But now it looks like a danger. It could stop the war without an Israeli victory.

Thus a paradoxical situation has arisen: the Israeli government is rejecting a proposal that reflects its original war aims, and instead demands the deployment of an international force, which it objected to strenuously at the start of the war. That’s what happens when you start a war without clear and achievable aims. Everything gets mixed up.

GENERALS AND COMMENTATORS. I have a proposal to solve all the problems caused by this war: to switch the generals and the commentators.

The generals have not excelled in conducting the war. But they and their comrades, the ex-generals, have proved themselves excellent commentators. They have crowded everyone else out of the studios, created a national consensus and silenced all real criticism. (Except one sort of criticism: Why do we not advance deeper into Lebanon? Why haven’t we reached the Litani? Why don’t we go beyond the Litani? Why don’t we eradicate the Lebanese villages from the face of the earth?)

On the other side, the broadcasts prove that the military commentators know exactly how to wage the war. They have forceful opinions and plenty of expert advice. They know when to advance and where, which troops to deploy and what weapons to use.

So why not let them conduct the war?

MACHOSTAN. The battery of generals that appears every evening on all TV channels in order to give a “briefing” (a.k.a. propaganda) to the nation, are all male. They bring with them a token woman, a real beauty who bears the title of “army spokesperson” and serves mostly for diversification. The commentators on TV are, of course, tough guys, and so are almost all the other speakers.

The rule of males is underlined by the fact that the Foreign Ministry is headed by a woman. Since the foundation of Israel, the Ministry of Defense has been the realm of he-men, who look with disdain upon the Foreign Office, which is always considered feeble and effete. Now, too, the Foreign Office is a sickly limb of the “defense establishment”. Tsipi Livni, who once aroused hopes, is a parrot of the army – as Condoleezza Rice is the parrot of Bush.

War is, of course, a matter for men. That’s how it was from the beginning of the human race, and perhaps even before. A tribe of baboons, for example, when faced with danger, automatically adopts a defensive formation: old males, women and children in the center, young males in a circle around them. There is only one difference between them und us: their leader is always the wisest and most experienced of the tribe.

The love of the human male for war – a phenomenon we have had the opportunity to observe from close up these last few days – is connected not only with this biological heritage. War assures the total dominance of the males over society. It also assures the total dominance of the generals over the state.

If we believed that that would change with a government headed by civilians, we were obviously wrong. The opposite is true: the civilians who pose as war-leaders are no better then the generals. A veteran general might even have learned something from his experience.

I am going now to say something I did not think I would ever utter: It is quite possible that we would not have slid into this foolish war if Ariel Sharon were in charge. Fact: he did not attack Hizbullah after the withdrawal in 2000. One attempt was enough for him. Which proves again that there is nothing so bad that something worse cannot be found.

The lust for war also explains the talking choir of the hundreds of ex-generals, who think and talk in unison in favor of the war. A cynic would say: what’s the big deal, after all it’s the army that gave them their standing in society. They are important only as long as the conflict between Israel and the Arab world continues. The conflict guarantees their status. They have no interest whatsoever in its resolution.

But the phenomenon is more profound. The army is the crucible for senior officers. It shapes their world outlook, their attitude and style. Apart from the settlers, the senior officers’ corps – in and out of uniform – is today the only ideological party in Israel and therefore has a huge influence. It can easily gobble up a thousand little functionaries like Amir Peretz before breakfast.

This is why there is no real self-criticism. At the beginning of the fifth week, the slogans are again: Forwards! To the Litani! Further! Stronger! Deeper!


2 gedachten over “Who? Me?!

  1. Het voorstel van Avnery om van de tv-commentatoren veldheren te maken en van de veldheren tv-commentatoren is geestig en briljant. Maar in al zijn geestigheid diep-treurig. Het onderstreept nog eens hoe volstrekt zinloos het is, oorlogen te beginnen.

    Ik probeerde informatie te vinden over de kosten en economische gevolgen van deze oorlog. En hoe daarover wordt bericht in de media in Israel. Omdat ik me serieus afvraag hoe Israëlische staatsburgers – naast het enorme verlies aan mensenlevens aan beide zijden – denken over de kolossale investeringen die deze oorlog moet vergen. Wat de gevolgen ervan zijn voor de binnenlandse economie en hoelang dat door de burgers wordt geaccepteerd. Ik moet zeggen dat ik behoorlijk schrok.

    Wat je vindt in de artikelen erover in de afgelopen vijf weken, is dat er lang werd gezegd dat zolang het allemaal niet te lang duurt, het in feite oké is. In een artikel van 18 juli in de Jerusalem Post worden de kosten van de schade per dag berekend voor de binnenlandse economie en worden de meningen gepeild van de grote vakbonden.

    Vandaag heeft de Jerusalem Post weer een artikel. Alle kosten van het oorlogvoeren worden op een rijtje gezet en de minister van financien, Avraham Hirchson, (die er op de foto niet erg gelukkig uitziet) kondigt nu aan dat het defensiebudget niet meer toereikend is, dat budgetten voor 2007 aangesproken moeten worden en dat andere ministeries zullen moeten bijspringen:

    \”At this stage, at the height of the fighting, all government ministries are required to demonstrate national responsibility and carry the burden of funding the fighting. Fighting is not funded ex nihilo,\” he said, adding that changed priorities require changes in the budget.

    While NIS 1b. would be taken from different agreements and projects budgeted for 2006 but only scheduled to be used in 2007, NIS 1.2b. would be taken as a direct cut from this year\’s government ministry budgets.

    The Health Ministry, Welfare Ministry and local authorities would be spared cuts to their budgets, but the Education Ministry would be among those losing some of their funding for the rest of the year, Hirchson said. Additionally, fully one half of the ministries\’ cuts – NIS 600 million – would be taken from other parts of the Defense Ministry\’s budget itself. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1154525843251&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull

    Israel ontvangt natuurlijk financiële steun van USA. Daarover heb ik geen actuele gegevens kunnen vinden, maar wel een onthutsend volledig overzicht:

    En even onthutsend vind ik dit verslag van 1 augustus in de National Review, waarin gezegd wordt:

    At the close of business last Friday — after another violent week in the Middle East — Bloomberg chronicled the impressive performance of world stock markets: U.S. share prices had their best gain since November 2004; Canadian and European stocks had their top weekly performances all year; British and Brazilian equities rose for the second straight week; Asian stocks posted their strongest gain in over a month; Japan was up 3.5 percent; and India surged near 6 percent.

    The wartime stock market is saying that things might be better than most people believe.

    Think of it: On the world stage, there is more capitalism, free trade, and economic interconnectiveness (to use defense analyst Thomas Barnett’s term for bringing the worse-off countries online with the best-off nations) than ever before. Because of this, literally hundreds of millions of share-owning investors are voting daily on the great issues of war, peace, prosperity, and hope for the future. And their vote is optimistic.

    The wartime stock market is saying that things might be better than most people believe.

    Tel uit je winst.

  2. Ha Clara, je vraagt je af hoeveel dit geweld allemaal kost, wat de economische gevolgen zijn voor de inwoners van Israel.

    Ik vind het interessant om in het algemeen over het militarisme en de militaire industrie na te denken. Ook de burgers van USA en EU betalen veel voor “defensie”. Na de val van de Berlijnse muur, was er dringend een nieuw vijandbeeld nodig om de inwoners van die continenten bereid te houden te betalen. De Russen komen niet meer, de Chinezen zijn (nog) te ver weg. De islam-als-vijand werd neergezet. En of de “doorgestoken CIA-kaart theorie” over 11-9-2001 nu juist is of niet, 11-9 hielp geweldig om de islam als vijand neer te zetten.

    Israel zit gevangen in een denkwijze dat geweld veiligheid oplevert. Vrienden van Israel moeten blijven uitleggen dat dit een heilloze weg is.

    Clara, je vraagt je af of burgers van Israel bereid blijven te betalen. Maar Israel is en blijft verzekerd van giga-financiele steun uit Amerika. Door deze oorlog heeft de USA-wapenindustrie weer heel veel (betalende) klanten! Bijvoorbeeld de corrupte Arabische regimes, die ik niet verderfelijk vind omdat ze islamitisch zijn, maar omdat ze hun bevolking onderdrukken en arm houden.

    Nederland hoort, zo klein als we zijn, bij de top-tien van wapenexporteurs.

    Juist in een land dat niet militair bedreigd wordt, zouden we de tijd moeten nemen om te analyseren en te organiseren dat zoveel geld niet voor repressie en bezetting gebruikt wordt.

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