The right to marry in Iran


Op dit weblog had ik het la vaker over feminisme en islam, ook over Iran. Ziba Mir-Hosseini (hier) maakte duidelijk hoe belangrijk het is dat moslimvrouwen op hun eigen manier hun emancipatie bevechten en niet het feminisme van het Westen kopiëren.

Juist als vrouwen in een land als Iran met de islamitische traditionalisten in de strijd moeten, die vaak geen onderscheid maken tussen (patriarchale) traditie en islam, en echt menen dat de man boven de vrouw is geplaatst en vrouwen mannen gehoorzaamheid verschuldigd zijn (wat nergens in de koran te vinden is) is het belangrijk dat ze dat vanuit de islam doen – daarmee staan ze veel sterker en kunnen er niet van beschuldigd worden dat ze zich door het westen laten beïnvloeden en anti-islamitisch zijn. Waar het lukt om veranderingen binnen en met de islam voor elkaar te krijgen is de kans dat die hervormingen beklijven heel veel groter wanneer er weer een regime-wisseling is. Het is dus niet alleen een kwestie van geloof, of islam en emancipatie te combineren zijn, het is ook een kwestie van feministische politiek. Hieronder een paper van Saiqa Riaz, in de UK geboren, en een van die jonge vrouwen die juist als migrant haar geloof heeft hervonden en verdiept, en als enige in haar familie een hoofddoek is gaan dragen.

Te gast: Saiqa Riaz
The Right to Marry in Iran

Marriage is a huge institution to unite a man and a woman, whether they are Muslims in Iran or Catholics in England. In this assignment I plan to evaluate the fundamental right focussing on women and the tradition of a ‘Muttah’ marriage. I will examine Islamic shariah, and determine how it is being implemented in Iran today. The right to marry is being violated in 3 different ways, where I shall briefly discuss forced marriages, and honour killings, and examine if the practices in Iran are really Islamic? Additionally I shall incorporate verses from Shariah law (Quran) and determine if they are being complied with correctly towards women.

Common Stereotypes of Islam

After September 11th Islam has become a religion known worldwide, even to people who knew nothing of it before. Nowadays when the word ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islam’ is mentioned, a stereotype appears immediately. Some of the views being, Islam is all about violence,terrorism,,suicide bombers, and that how could it be justified when women are veiled strictly by Burqas and Pakistani girls are forced to get married? Genital mutilation happening in Africa? People assume this religion is in it self evil, forbidding women to drive cars or not being able to get an education, entering of polygamous marriages and the humiliation of being divorced. In fact, none of these practices are Islamic at all.

Anyone who desires to understand the religion of Islam and Islamic shariah must separate the religion from the cultural norms. Committing suicide for any reason is a huge sin, as Allah said Islam is a religion based upon intentions, and intentionally killing oneself is ‘Haram’ I.e prohibited with severe consequences. A clear example was given by the prophet who said “Whoever purposely throws himself from a mountain and kills himself, will be in the (Hell) Fire falling down into it and abiding therein perpetually forever; and whoever drinks poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever; and whoever kills himself with an iron weapon, will be carrying that weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever.”. Hijab was ordered to the prophet’s wives and daughters, as they were the mothers of the believers, and clearly extraordinary women. If they sinned they would receive double the punishment, and vice versa. “And whosoever of them serves God and his Prophet devoutly and acts righteously, we shall give her double reward. And we have prepared for her honourable sustenance in the hereafter”. (Al-Ahzab, 30-31).

The Hijab is optional for women nowadays, some choose to wear it and some do not. However it is not worn because your brother or father pressurises you, but is for the sake of Allah alone, and his request to protect your chastity. ‘O Prophet! Say to your wives and your daughters and the women of the faithful to draw their outer garments close around themselves; that is better that they will be recognized and not annoyed’. (Surah al-Ahzab ayah 59).

Forced marriages in the Quran are nullified as free consent is needed by both bride and groom, as if the parties intentions are under any form of pressure or abuse, the marriage is invalid. The Prophet said, “A matron should not be given in marriage except after consulting her; and a virgin should not be given in marriage except after her permission.” (Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 67).

In terms of female circumcision, it is a sickly practice common in North Africa, and used as a excuse in the name of Islam among poor and uneducated people. It is not even mentioned in the quran, clearly violating the most sacred tenets of the Islamic faith. The quran says ‘And spend in Allah’s cause and let not your own hands contribute to your own destruction and persevere in doing good: behold, Allah loves the doers of good’ (2:195).

A woman not being able to drive in Saudi Arabia is a bizarre concept, when all other Islamic countries allow women to drive, just as men. This has nothing to do with Islam but rather an old fashioned culture. Islam gives both sexes the same equality, I.e. to marriage, education, divorce, so there is no reason for driving to be forbidden. [40:40] ‘Whoever commits a sin is requited for just that, and whoever works righteousness – male or female – while believing, these will enter Paradise wherein they receive provisions without any limits’.

A man is judged on his own deeds, and so is a woman, a husband is not her master, her lord is. “And whatever wrongs any human being commits rests upon himself alone; and no bearer of burdens shall be made to bear another’s burden…” (6:165).

Polygamy however is allowed in Islam, as during the prophets time, many widows were left with no provisions for themselves or their children. So, marrying them was a genuine act of charity, and requires the consent of the first wife. Women were not young and attractive, but poor widows who had little to eat or drink. Girls being banned to go to school in Afghanistan is contrary to Islam, as the prophet believed knowledge is light, and is imperative for the human mind.”….Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endued with understanding that receive admonition.  (The Noble Quran, 39:9)”.

Constitution of Iran and bodies involved

‘The Islamic Republic is a system based on belief in The One God (“There is no god except Allah”), His exclusive sovereignty and right to legislate, and the necessity of submission to His commands; & its Divine revelation and its fundamental role in setting forth the laws;Continuous leadership of the holy persons, possessing necessary qualifications, exercised on the basis of the Quran and the Sunnah’ (Traditions of the Prophet Mohammed).

Article 16 of the women’s convention on all forms of discrimination gives women the equal right to marry with free consent, and also gives general family rights. Even though Iran is not a party to the CEDAW Convention, Iran is a party to several other International human rights treaties. These treaties are ’the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESR), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and the International Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) — all clearly prohibit discrimination on grounds of ethnicity’.

Nevertheless Iran has still incorporated general principles and goals in its constitution, regarding the equal protection of women in Article 21. Some of these goals include to ‘Create a favourable environment for the growth of woman’s personality and the restoration of her rights, both the material and intellectual’. Others including protection of mothers, perseverance of family, special insurance for single or aged women etc. additionally Article 40 of the constitution says ‘No one is entitled to exercise his rights in a way injurious to others or detrimental to public interests’.

Muttah Marriage in Iran (Domestic Implementation)

In Iran a custom named ‘Muttah’ (marriage) is being practiced today. Muttah meaning pleasure in Arabic, is encouraged by Shiaism, an almost extreme type of Muslim group. Shiaism highly encourages ‘muttah’ saying it is a part of Islamic teachings. Muttah is when a man pays a woman or even a young girl for the purpose of sexual pleasure only. This pleasure is formed in to a marriage contract, where the man may contract with a woman from 1 hour to 1 night, or what ever amount of time he pleases. Once his contract expires with a woman, he will continue ‘Muttah’ with other women, there is no limitation for Muttah in Iran. This trade is basically a temporary type of marriage, for a man to fulfil his desires. This practice not only violates rights of women, but also the teachings of Islam. Additionally orphan girls are contracted out, and sold to men in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Many young girls are trafficked in to France and Turkey on fake passports forced to work. Street children in Iran face a long HIV battle which is against not only their rights as human beings, but also Islam.

For a marriage to be valid in Islam, 2 witnesses are needed on both sides, however Iran makes it optional and a personal choice if the muttah contractors wish to include a witness. This is clearly forbidden, I.e ‘Haram’ for contracting a marriage.

‘Abu Huraira reported God’s messenger, peace be upon him, as saying: “Of the dinar (unit of currency) that you spend as a contribution in God’s path, or to set free a slave, or as charity given to a needy, or to support your family, the one yielding the greatest reward is that which you spent on your family’. This was the perfect example given by prophet Mohammed, who emphasised the equality of women regards being fair, and reasonable. The prophet did not conduct in such muttah marriage, instead he was gentle and empathetic to all women, discouraging any forms of abuse as he said, a man should never hit “one of God’s handmaidens”. The right to marry has become extremely limited in Iran, where Islam is being used as an excuse to justify the cultures that the people have incorporated within them selves.
No other Islamic country allows muttah marriage, and considers it a huge sin, as it is a form of prostitution imposed upon women.

Iran’s discrimination on Sunni Muslims

The traditions of shiaism empower the Muslim way of life, the small population of Sunni Muslims (though they are recognised) are also discriminated highly. The Sunni Kurds are the ones that do not practice this ‘muttah’ marriage for short periods; they get married properly according to the teaching of the Quran and Sunnah (prophet’s way). Sunni mosques are not allowed in Tehran, as the government has restricted any expansion. Alongside this, they are not able to work, or even own permits to open a shop, or enrol at universities just like other Iranian citizens. So not only do the Muslims of Iran violate the basic human right of women, but also their own religion. Not allowing Sunni Muslims the same rights they discriminate upon freedom of religion.

‘Amnesty International is also urging the Iranian government to ratify, without reservation, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, and to bring Iran’s laws and practices into conformity with this Convention’.

Honour killings (Kurdish women and girls)

A real life case was presented by a human rights defender (Diba Alikhani) in 2006 in an area of Iran known as Sanandaj. A woman was being prosecuted by a female jailer, as she commit adultery, known as ‘Zina’. All of a sudden a strange man appeared, and slit the woman’s throat, and she died immediately after. Diba called for help, as she saw 2 armed security guards outside the venue, but they did not interfere, as this was clearly an honour killing. The Iranian authority did not prosecute the perpetrator for murder, and believed this tragic crime was an honour killing. This shows the position of women, and a clear violation of many rights. The Iranian government have gone against the teachings of the Islam; this treatment is contrary to the Quran and Sunnah.

It was Narrated by Mu’awiyah al-Qushayri who went to the Apostle of Allah (Prophet Mohammed) and asked him: “What do you say (command) about our wives?” He replied: “Give them food what you have for yourself, and clothe them by which you clothe yourself, and do not beat them, and do not revile them.” (Sunan Abu Dawud: Book 11, Number 2139) “The best of you is one who is best towards his family and I am best towards the family”. (At-Tirmithy). “None but a noble man treats women in an honourable manner. And none but an ignoble treats women disgracefully”. (At-Tirmithy).The social codes of Iran are going against the religion of Islam; they are invoked on the basis of religion to justify rights of women, ignoring the Holy Scripture. There are no go areas in parts of Kurdish communities, whom disallow outsiders, some of them being state officials from effectively dealing with basic rights of women. These being to be educated, forced marriages, domestic violence and even the most horrific honour killings.

Instead of exercising due diligence and to protect women and give them all their equal rights, Iran is doing the complete opposite. In fact, Islam is lenient and non discriminatory as their were many women who were married to non Muslim before. The daughter of the prophet, named ‘Zainab’ was married to an atheist, she held on to her own religion of Islam and he did also. Another lady named ‘Umm-kulthoom bint Ugba bin Abi Mai’ embraced Islam though her whole family were from the polytheistic religion. 1600 years ago women worked for the propagation of Islam, alongside the prophet, where he enshrined in all his teachings that women were the dignified authority who bore and nurtured men, their daughters, wives were of a equally high importance as the men. It is Iran’s duty to continue the tradition of the prophet and the teachings of the Holy Quran, and protect women from these abuses which are violated as justification, in act there is no justification. The first UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, Radhika Coomaraswamy, wrote: “States must promote and protect the human rights of women and exercise due diligence: To condemn VAW and not invoke customs, traditions or practice in the name of religion or culture to avoid their obligations to eliminate such violence”.

Due to this grossly practice of honour killings, their remains a high note of suicide within Kurdish girls. Due to the various forms of violence and discrimination, young women take their own lives by self immolation. This used to occur only at Kurdish settlements before but now is common all over Iran. Most of them staged to cover up honour killings. This form of violence against women is a major crime and sin in Islamic law. Taking 1 life, is as killing all of mankind which is stated in the Holy Quran. “For that cause We decreed for the Children of Israel that whosoever killeth a human being for other than man slaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind” Al-Ma’idah: 32) . Among this, many other rights of women are being violated, e.g equality before the law, and to be protected from torture, cruel or degrading treatment. The right to life, being the most basic and foremost right every individual possesses. It also obviously indicates that Iran has agreed to incorporate so many International treaties to prevent violence and to encourage equal treatment. However Iran has failed to act upon its own religious law and others aswel. The UN Women’s convention and many others order, the right to freely choose your marriage partner, to be treated with the same dignity as a man and enjoy no discrimination based on sex.

In February 2006 Mohsen Jan-Ghorbani, a professor of epidemiology at Esfahan University of Medical Sciences, said that “self-immolation is not just a way to end life, but also a way to send a message to their families and to the society”. He added that “women do not want to really commit suicide but they want, in fact, to make their cry for help to be heard and say that they are facing injustice”. Some women going to extreme stages of despair that they burn themselves, by a toxic named kerosene. This pressure depriving women of their rights and considering their economic situations, they are treated as second class citizens. It is clear that the government who incorporate any discriminatory laws and authorities are the ones in control, and should ratify their convention accordingly to the teachings of Islam and also human rights (which Islam covers). Self immolation being the most common method for young women, will only destruct society and tear families apart.A UN special rapporteur (on violence against women in 2005) stated “..Some of the cases of self-immolation in the city are linked to the lack of legal protection for women victims of violence, lack of shelters, difficulty in obtaining a divorce, child custody laws that favour the father and pervasive gender discrimination throughout society.”

Forced marriages

Due to increasing poverty, the parents believe it is in the best interests of the daughter to marry. In contrast to an arranged marriage, this is where no consent is given of both parties. It may involve emotional abuse, abduction, physical abuse and an ‘honour killing’ in extreme cases. Girls as young as 9 were married off, however now the legal age requirement is 13 for a female. Forced marriages are declared invalid under Islamic shariah as there are no intentions to give this agreement effect. It was Narrated by Khansa bint Khidam Al-Ansariya that her father gave her in marriage when she was a matron and she disliked that marriage. So she went to Allah’s Apostle and he declared that marriage invalid. (Bukhari Hadith Volume 7, Book 62, Number 69).

Article 23(3) of the ICCPR further prohibits forced marriages saying ‘“No marriage shall be entered into without the free and full consent of the intending spouses.” A forced marriage is clearly a type of violence against women, carried out by their family majority of the times. However it links to child marriage which may constitute a forced scenario. If this is the case, then children rights are being violated from freedom of sexual exploitation, as stated in Articles 19 & 24 of the convention. This makes the situation worse for a child, as they are denied the right to education consequently, and growing up in a normal manner. It is the responsibility and obligation of the Iranian governments to ensure a marriage is undertaken on the correct procedures of shariah law, and on the basis of full and informed consent by both spouses. The age requirements should be optional, as suited to the child and after completing at least a minimum high school education, if not further. The prophet nullified any type of pressure or blackmail enforced upon a marriage, therefore Iran needs to start acting upon shariah principles, rather then creating their own individual interpretations of Shariah.


To conclude, if Iran says that it is an Islamic republic, it should first and foremost implement Islamic shariah and principles of justice correctly, and not create its own individual interpretations which the government labels as Islamic. The right to marry is guaranteed in the Quran and Sunnah, therefore the authorities must stop their isolated traditions of Muttah marriage which is considered prostitution, alongside forced marriages and honour killings. What Islam and the holy Quran say is “Verily, Allah enjoins justice, beneficence, giving (help) to kith and kin, and forbids all forms of evil and Al-Munkar (i.e. all that is prohibited by Islamic law and oppression). He admonishes you, that you may take heed.).” [An Nahl: 90]. Equal Protection of women is guaranteed in Islam, and is imperative towards justifiable protection in economic, social and personal development. Islam is a religion that dignifies Women and her status, as I have given the previous examples before, neither does Islam oppress a woman or let harm occur to her. The quran clearly states”O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah as just witnesses; and let not the enmity and hatred of others allow you to avoid justice. Be just: that is closer to piety; and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do.” [Al Maaidah: 8]Neither are their laws in compliance with Islam or equal human rights of women, So if Iran considers itself a Muslim state, it must remember Only God’s Word is infallible, not a human interpretation of it.

32 gedachten over “The right to marry in Iran

  1. Pingback: The right to marry in Iran « Loving More

  2. Het is natuurlijk waar dat cultuur een grote invloed heeft. En dat heeft voor elke wereldgodsdienst zijn betekenis. Een katholiek uit Zuid-Amerika is andere katholiek dan iemand uit Napels en ze lezen de bijbel ook anders. Wat er dus op neer komt dat men in de eerste plaats een mens is en daarna pas katholiek of, in dit geval, moslim. En die gedachte haal ik niet echt uit haar lezing. Ook in haar afsluitende zin gaat het niet zozeer om een mens met zijn (on)hebbelijkheden maar om een creatie (human) van Allah. Dat is te klinisch en volgens mij doet ze daar de werkelijkheid mee te kort.

    Want waarom bestaat die Muttah en al die andere gekunselde gelegenheden waar men precies dat doet en ziet waar in de doctrine geen voor ruimte is? Omdat men een in de eerste plaats een mens is en geen falende gelovige. Dat ga er je niet uitkrijgen en ook Khomeini, die het invoerde, begreep dit. Ziba zoekt de ideale praktische islam, maar die wordt niet gevonden door de mens achter de moslim slechts te zien als het product van een schepping.

  3. Dag mevrouw Anja,

    bent U bereid U eens uit te leggen hoe U de politieke ontwikkelingen in Iran als Ned.politica bekijkt?
    Zijn dit in Uw opinie stappen voorwaarts, of juist niet?
    Hier géén dubbele bodems; ik ben oprecht geïnteresseerd in Uw

  4. 3. Daar kan ik je niet aan helpen, Hajee. Ik volg de zaken met belangstelling zover als we dat van hieruit kunnen, leef mee met de Nederlandse Iraniers, maar juist als politica zal ik niet snel ergens mijn mening over gaan geven als ik er te weinig van af weet. Over palestina/israel kan ik dat nog slapend en met de linkervoet, over Iran niet.
    Harry van Bommel is de woordvoerder buitenland. Ik ga over integratie.

    2. Je zoekt iets in het artikel van Riaz dat je er niet in zult vinden, Menno. Riaz maakt deel uit van de vrouwen die het patriarchaat willen laten zien dat zij de koran interpreteren zoals de patriarchale heren het het beste uitkomt. In feite slaan ze de islamitische geleerden om de oren met hun eigen koran. Daar zijn al aardige resultaten mee geboekt, zie het verhaal van Mir-Hosseini. Bovendien geeft de interpretatie van vrouwen als Riaz, en vele anderen ondertussen, de zekerheid en kracht om als vrouwenbeweging op hun stuk te blijven staan en verder te gaan. Uiteindelijk heeft bijna overal ter wereld een vrouwenbeweging de rechten van vrouwen kunnen verbeteren, ook hier, en waarom niet ook daar. De vrouwen weren zich kranig. Om nog een voorbeeld te geven; in veel landen is het gebruik van polygamie al afgeschaft of drastisch verminderd – onder druk van de vrouwen – hoewel het volgens de islam nog steeds is toegestaan.

  5. “en echt menen dat de man boven de vrouw is geplaatst en vrouwen mannen gehoorzaamheid verschuldigd zijn (wat nergens in de koran te vinden is)”
    Daar zou Mohammed het niet echt mee eens zijn, in soerah 4, vers 34 staat het redelijk expliciet vermeld.

  6. En dat is dus precies wat de feministische moslima’s bedoelen, Arie. Dat is een patriarchale interpretatie van de tekst, ‘mannen zijn de opzichters over vrouwen’ kan ook vertaald worden als ‘men are the supporters of women’ zoals Laleh Bakhtiar dat doet. Een interpretatie die ondersteund wordt door het feit dat op andere plaatsen in de koran stelselmatig sprake is van gelijkwaardigheid. En in de tijd van Mohammed was ondersteuning van vrouwen heel erg noodzakelijk. Nu kunnen vrouwen veel meer voor zichzelf opkomen, dus hebben ze mannen als ‘hoeders’ veel minder nodig, maar wel als gelijkwaardige partners – zoals in de koran veelvuldig wordt aanbevolen – een man en een vrouw die ‘elkaars mantel’ zijn.
    Waar in de koran sprake is van gehoorzaamheid is dat altijd gehoorzaamheid aan God. Nergens staat dat vrouwen zouden moeten doen wat mannen van hen willen, thuis zouden moeten blijven, niet zouden mogen werken. Wat ook in strijd zou zijn met het feit dat Mohammeds eerste en geliefde vrouw Khadija een zakenvrouw was, bij wie hij eerst in dienst was.

  7. Excellent article. In hope that people can distinguish between the beautiful way of life: Islam, and those that only wear its title. Well done Saiqa!

  8. Very interesting article, you have done a great job, it amazes me to think that we are in the 21st century and some people are not moving forward giving women freedom and rights which they deserve, you have clearly shown that Islam doesnt opress women but gives them equal rights, protects them and respects them.
    Well done!!!

  9. Wow, just finished reading the article Saiqa. Well done! You talk about a very sensitive subject in a straight forward manner. There is more we need to do to help those in other countries, and you speak out for these women. Keep up the good work 🙂

  10. After reading your beautiful article it has brought to light how even in the 21st century people are still living in the dark ages and have not moved on with time. This sensitive subject has been represented and brought across in such a professional and straight forward manner, really am proud of you saiqa. Keep up the hard work as it is paying off :). x

  11. Its a great article saiqa
    Islam is a peaceful and merciful religion, and if any muslim out there who does wrong doesnt mean he doing it because of his religion but because he/she is a human and they do wrong things and yes we all do wrong things and there are people who murder and rape and are of other religion but this doesnt mean they doing it because their religion tells them to do. so i think same with islam, there are muslim who do wrong things but they do not represent islam. There are many so called muslims who have media control, they go on tv and talk about islam and claim they represent islam but in reality they do not as they just show hate toward other humans and even toward muslims and they only represent minority of muslims but because they get alot of funding from saudi arabia and this makes them powerful and they misguide people toward extremism.

    i think you should write some article about saudi arabia aswel as nobody dares to crititize the saudi oil regime and they are same as iran, they opress shias and other muslims there and force people to follow what they do and while out of country they pump billion of dollars oil money in to other muslim countries and western world and cause trouble as their followers are right extreme and a good example is somalia and pakistan because if you see all these people doing bombings, killing sunnis/shias/sufis, blowing up graves, taking the body of people who died out of the grave they all follow wahabism and they get funding/moral support from saudi regime but noone talks about that.

    All this gives bad names to muslims around the world but everyone forgets that muslim is someone who is peaceful and merciful and definitly not someone who spread hate in the name of religion.

  12. Wie geen Arabisch kan lezen, en zich alleen op de vertaling van Koranteksten moet baseren, kan zich beter onthouden van interpretaties van die Koranteksten. Soerah 4-34 handelt alleen over het beheren van door vrouwen ingebracht bezit (bruidsschat). Daar staat overigens wel duidelijk in dat ‘ongehoorzame’ (en wat ze daaronder dan verstaan, is al onduidelijke) vrouwen mogen worden vermaand en geslagen (darab: geen andere betekenis dan fysiek slaan). Oke, het waren barre tijden met een hardere leefwijze dan thans (alhoewel). In soerah 4-36, een stukje verder staat overigens: ees vriendelijk voor ouders, voor verwanten en wezen, voor de behoeftigen, voor uw buur die verwant aan u is, maar ook voor de buur die niet verwant aan u is, voor uw mede-reiziger of de vreemde die bij u langskomt, voor de slaven die u bezit.
    Dat orthodoxe islamieten deze Koranteksten uit puur eigenbelang vergeten en negeren en zich alleen op de meer extreem en gewelddadig te interpreteren delen richten, is een soort gijzeling van de religie. Sla dat soort extremisten met hun eigen Koran om de oren, zou ik zeggen.

    Henk Timmerman

  13. Saiqa,

    I loved reading this!!! I have to say, destroying stereotypes is NOT an easy thing. In fact its not easy because wonderful, informative articles like this aren’t exposed upon the masses…if only it was. But this article has a really good crack at trying to address and tear down the stereotypes.

    I can see you’ve definitely done a huge amount of research. The verses from surah Al-Ahzab are amazing. It makes me want to actually go and read the Qur’an in english again! Its just so meaningful.

    The main thing that people misunderstand about Islam is that it is just so SIMPLE. Its so LOGICAL. It makes PERFECT SENSE. It sickens me when people misinterpret the religion and when words like “forced marriages”, “honour killings” etc crop up.. its just twisted, immoral CULTURAL TRADITION!!

    I applaud you for this. Now i know you’re actually doing something and not messing around in amsterdam! And not just “doing something”, but doing something which you both enjoy and will benefit others.

    Mash’Allah. Well done Saiqa. I’m so proud of you. I definitely know we’ve both come a loooong way from last year… 😀
    I genuinely enjoyed this thoroughly! x

  14. Ook jouw lezing van de soera, als zou er staan dat vrouwen geslagen mogen worden, hoort bij het geijkte patriarchale repertoire, Henk. Je kunt het namelijk ook anders lezen. Zoals wij de zin ‘oog om oog, tand om tand’ lezen als nogal bloeddorstig, was het in die tijd vooral een aanmaning om niet meer terug te doen dan je was aangedaan, en daarmee niet in een cyclus van wraak en escalerend en eindeloos geweld terecht te komen – voor elk oog en oog en dan moet het afgelopen zijn, was de boodschap.
    Bij de soera 4-34 moeten we bedenken dat dat in een tijd speelt dat mannen het recht hadden om met ‘hun’ vrouwen te doen wat ze wilden. In dat kader kun je de soera ook lezen als een advies om er niet maar op los te meppen, maar eerst alles te proberen om tot overeenstemming te komen, praten, tot en met het bed tijdelijk verlaten om af te koelen, en ook staat er achter aan dat je het goed moet maken als de onenigheid voorbij is. Het is dus in feite een advies om minder te slaan, en liever andere methoden te gebruiken, al werd het niet strikt verboden.
    Van Mohammed zelf was bekend dat hij nooit een vrouw sloeg, en toen iemand hem vroeg hoe dat dan moest, als er niets hielp, en je toch vond dat je je vrouw moest slaan, liet hij het takje zien waarmee hij zijn tanden reinigde, gaf daar een klein symbolisch tikje mee en zei: zo.

    Zie je, het is voor de verandering best interessant om eens de lezing en de visie van vrouwen te volgen.

  15. Hi Saiqa, I see your fanclub is coming over to my weblog! Nice! I’m sorry all the other stuff is in Dutch.

  16. Dear all commentors,
    Thank you for your pleasant comments,if anyone has any further questions or remarks please state them in English,as unfortunately i know very little dutch,and then will be able to answer them. Islam actually means peace,but unfortunately because of what is going on by some of the muslims today,it is commonly known as something violent.
    Propher Mohammed (PBUH) Just like the other prophets as Jesus taught mankind on perfect examples of behaviour. These messengers were sent by the same God,and I hope that some day the world sees that we all are human beings regardless of religion,and have the same goals in life.
    May God bless you all and help develop our knowledge on each others religions 🙂 A big thank you to Mrs.Meulenbelt for publicising my work.

  17. Yes, there were some questions about surah 4 -34, that is usually read as a permission to beat your wife. I explained that I learned that you can read it as an advice to try everything else isntead of using violence. Do you have an opinion on that?

    Also I explained that I learned that the word obedience in the Quran is always about obedience to God and not ti men.

    Thanks for making us think, Saiqa. There were 3000 people reading my weblog yesterday.

  18. thank you for forwarding this to me ihave read it and am very proud of you. It is an interesting and empowering article for women all over. i agree with you islam is a liberating religiion but unfortunately it has become a weapon by men to be used against man(woman)kind. We as muslims have to get ” back to basics”,and to the true meaning and purpose of islam which was to offer humankind hope ,tolerance respect and be a light to all nations. i hope allah gives you strengh and courage to carry on your good work

  19. What an article, beautifully written and very informative, I like the way every point is backed up with references from quran and sunnah, someone knows their stuff! well done saiqs!

  20. The article is written very nice. It encourages thinking and it shreds more light on the Islam and their followers. Also on the bad practicals which are done socalled in the name of Islam.
    You have done good at it to clarify the cases which are going on in Iran and at the Kurdish community. Because of this and the quotations of the Quran and the Hadith you rectified a lot.

    I’m really proud of you and insha’Allah we will see more of your work.

    Let’s make a better place to us all.

    To Anja, I really enjoyed listening to u. You were a stimulation and you let us see that there is hope.

    ’t ga u goed 😉

    Esma Alouet

  21. Dear Anja (and readers),
    Yes firstly submission is to God alone,and his soverignty. I will attempt to explain the wife beating issue as best to my knowledge.Firstly, the husband must reprimand his wife, without any anger. Next, he must distance her from the conjugal bed,however if a loving relationship exists ususally after this, due to the seperation the problem will be resolved between the couple.Only if these two methods fail completely should the husband turn to beating. But beating is not the beating that one would imagine,such as Physically abusing,slapping,hurting violently. This kind of beating is completely prohibited, However a believing God conscious couple,will usually not resort to this.
    When beating is allowed,it is only with the (Siwak) the natural thin wooden root (that is used for brushing the teeth). Islam forbids severe beating as punishment.Striking her here with this toothbrush,is a means of upbringing and discipline.That is why it tellst:“But if they return to obedience, seeknot against them means [of annoyance]….”Glorious Quran (4:34.
    Islam does not aim to destroy the family and causing it to become burdened with unnecessary pain, headache or problems.
    Men are ordered continuously to not resort to this stage by many other verses in the Quran.
    [3:134] “…They are suppressors of anger, and pardoners of the people. GOD loves the charitable.”
    The nature and essence of a healthy relationship between a husband and wife is beautifully expressed in the following verse from the Quran:
    [ 30:21] Among His proofs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves, in order to have tranquility and contentment with each other, and He placed in your hearts love and care towards your spouses. In this, there are sufficient proofs for people who think.
    [3:195 ]”Their Lord responded to them: “I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you MALE OR FEMALE, YOU ARE EQUAL TO ONE ANOTHER………”
    When facing difficult times, even if the man dislikes his wife, God has decreed;
    [4:19] ‘O you who believe, it is not lawful for you to inherit what the women leave behind, against their will. You shall not force them to give up anything you had given them, unless they commit a proven adultery. You shall treat them nicely. If you dislike them, you may dislike something wherein GOD has placed a lot of good’.
    And when divorce happens, the full respect to the wife is urged,
    [2:229] ‘Divorce may be retracted twice. The divorced woman shall be allowed to live in the same home amicably, or leave it amicably. It is not lawful for the husband to take back anything he had given her. However, the couple may fear that they may transgress GOD’s law. If there is fear that they may transgress GOD’s law, they commit no error if the wife willingly gives back whatever she chooses. These are GOD’s laws; do not transgress them. Those who transgress GOD’s laws are the unjust’.
    The Prophet (PBUH) said:
    “None of you should beat his wife like a slave-beating and then have intercourse with her at the end of the day”.
    [Bukhari Hadith #4908]
    Further to emphasise my point is, Narrated Mu’awiyah al-Qushayri: “I went to the Apostle of Allah (PBUH) and asked him: What do you say (command) about our wives? He replied: Give them food what you have for yourself, and clothe them by which you clothe yourself, and do NOT beat them, and do not revile them. (Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 11, Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Number 2139)”.
    I hope this clarifies the correct Islamic perspective regarding women.

  22. Thank you, Saiqa. It is close to what I thought, but you write about it beautifully, with many quotations for people to read if they so wish. I hope some more people want to listen to what you have to say, because there are so many misunderstandings.
    Bless you.

  23. To Esma: thank you too. If I have given you hope, so you young people give me hope. You are the future. We live in hard times, with lots of injustice, cruelty and misunderstandings. But being with you people gives me the feeling that there is more, the possibility of a better life and a better world with respect for differences. It is what I need to experience sometimes to be able to keep going. So thank YOU.

  24. I completely agree with Esma,Thank you for giving us the opportunity to also express our views,and show others what is really behind the scenes.
    Their is allot of ignorance in the world,but however we need more people like Anja, May God help us all. Ameen.

  25. Saiqa good luck..i´ve found that there are too many ¨misunderstanders¨ of Islam around.
    I just try and concentrate on real problems that exist and no longer hope to have any sort of ability to change the minds of Muslims through a theological discussion using the Qu´ran and traditions.
    If woman are beaten it doesn´t matter if they are Muslim or non Muslim one needs to prevent woman being beaten.
    If that agrees with Islam that is great if it doesn´t agree then thats to bad but irrelevant.

  26. I agree Hendrik,if someone does beat a woman,we shouldnt automatically assume that her religion brings these kind of teachings,but its the people who practic this that are in the wrong. Every faith,has the core of principles of decency,which shows a human being to live their lives in a perfect way. We all have a common denominator (in mathermatical terms) 🙂

  27. Good job Saiqa! I’ve finally found time to read it with all the comments. Well, yes, there were times when I thought that at least some of the abuses were justifeied in the Quran, then I’ve learnt that religions are actually used as convenient excuses. You gave me solid arguments for the latter and thank you for this.

    I hope to hear more from you, Saiqa!

  28. Where does this all leave the none believer?
    the UN Freedom of religion should be extended to not only freedom of religion but also of freedom to have no religion at all.
    That alone would make the complete issue change its character…
    Why: As if any religiously inspired member, who probably will try to question this small adding would have to proof their own religious validity….their belief. and any proof they add will support the non believer in any way possible… and they will need to add it.
    If they can’t do this conclusively again they have to add this zero state of having “no religion”.
    Also any deviation on a different group within one religion would affect the none believer… and any other religion.

    Any religious power will reduce and finally this council will be able to move on.

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