Weblog closed!


Dear friends, my weblog is closed for the month of July. I’ll be back in August.

Ik had nog een weekje door willen gaan, om nog verslag uit te brengen van de UCP conferentie op 9 juli. Maar ergens door Van Boven is anders beslist, want mijn grote Mac heeft sinds de aanslag van de poezen op mijn toetsenbord zulke kuren, dat ik ‘m naar dokkie dokkie heb moeten brengen. En ik kan wel een beetje wat vanaf mijn laptopje, maar geen heavy duty weblog-bedienen met foto’s en alles. Dus is vanaf heden de winkel dicht, en wel, naar voorspelling, voor een maand. Er worden dus na vandaag ook geen reacties meer verwerkt.

Iedereen afkicken, wees lui, geniet, ik laat weer van me horen.

13 gedachten over “Weblog closed!

  1. Nou, leuk jongens. Ik denk dat jullie het wel een maandje overleven zonder – en dit was echt de laatste reactie die ik nog doorliet. Veel plezier iedereen.

  2. Dearest Anja,

    One of my daily habits in the morning is reading your weblog, and I tried many times to write you a comment but there was a problem in the system.
    So sad to stop your weblog this long period, but I sincerely hope and really looking forward to read a new book for you as you used to do in the past. Your books had its great value and we really appreciate all your efforts, either books, photos or news through your weblog which has its own value and much more.

    Hope to see you soon in Gaza. All the best Anja.

  3. Dear Anja,

    It is a nice thing to surf your weblog always to check the varity of causes and
    concerns, and your photos as I told you once talk louder than words.Let me tell also
    this time, even though you are telling us that you are closing your weblog for one
    month which is bad but good to concentrate on other issues, but what is funny is
    that you are puting a very nice photo even when you are saying we are closed. I
    loved the design and colours. Waiting for you soon after you mission is acomplished.
    I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. All the best.

  4. Thank you, Nisreen. And Khaled. I know you guys don’t read Dutch, but I always hope you can see that Gaza is always on my mind and in my heart.
    Your message is the last one for this month, I’m going to spend my time writing on a book, and insha’Allah, I’ll hope to be in Gaza soon.

    All my best to everybody,
    Take care,

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