Gehandicapten in Gaza demonstreren

Kijk: dit is wat ze doen in Gaza. Een demonstratie van mensen met een handicap, tegen de aanval door Israël, maar ook tegen geweld tegen vrouwen en kinderen in hun eigen gemeenschap. Het bijzondere is dat gehandicapte vrouwen vroeger nauwelijks hun huis uitkwamen, en kijk ze nu eens: ze komen voor zichzelf en elkaar op, ze schamen zich niet, ze laten zich zien en doen zelf het woord. Het is zo inspirerend om te zien hoe zelfs in zo’n gevangenis als Gaza mensen voor zichzelf en elkaar opkomen.

Dit is wat Neveen Elsaleh van het NCCR erover zegt:

A gathering of persons with disabilities and their supporters and institutions

Protesting against targeting women and children and killing them in the latest aggression on Gaza during the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

She also spoke Fatima Al-Ghussain about the message the center is sending to the world especially the institutions of the United Nations to respect the laws that provide the protection of women and children in wartime which was violated the Israeli occupation.

Mayor Nader Al-Masry said that women with disabilities and children with disabilities and the rest of the people of Gaza are living under flame and fear.

Mansour, amputation of his limbs after the Israeli bombing before a year, said that there are people with disabilities were killed and his home was damaged and cousins were martyred

This occasion is not like all the previous years because of the Israeli aggression that killed 13 women and wounding hundreds of them and a lot of women lost their homes because of the demolition of homes done by the occupation.