A small song for Raghda/klein liedje voor Raghda

This is the poem Claar wrote, about the little girl Raghda who was shot in her classroom and died. Dutch version follows.

a small song for raghda

while you learn to write
‘I go to school’
the grown-ups fight
and write their lines
sleep, raghda, sleep

while you get your notebook
a nice new notebook
intending to keep it clean
the grown-ups
accuse each other
sleep, raghda, sleep

while you write
apple is tufaaha
to play is bal’ab
the grown-ups
accuse you
right through your head
dream, raghda, dream

while you write
blood is damm
a child is walad
a rose is ward
a bus is bas
my apple is red
the grown-ups
never give up

while you write in blood
in your new notebook
the grown-ups
give up
on you

klein liedje voor raghda

terwijl jij leert schrijven
‘I go to school’
geven de grote mensen
elkaar strafwerk
slaap, raghda, slaap

terwijl jij je schrift pakt
een lekker nieuw schrift
dit schrift blijft netjes
geven de grote mensen
elkaar de schuld
slaap, raghda, slaap

terwijl jij schrijft
apple is appel
to play is spelen
geven de grote mensen
door jouw hoofd heen
jou de schuld
droom, raghda, droom

terwijl jij schrijft
blood is bloed
a child is een kind
a rose is een roos
a bus is een bus
my apple is rood
geven de grote mensen
het nooit op

terwijl jij met bloed schrijft
in jouw nieuwe schrift
geven de grote mensen
jou op

4 gedachten over “A small song for Raghda/klein liedje voor Raghda

  1. Roses of Palestine;

    Roses of Palestine are red
    All roses are red
    roses of Palestine bleed
    have you seen a rose bleeding?

    Roses of Palestine do smill nice
    Roses of Palestine do look beautiful
    and if you touch them you feel their pain
    but they bleed
    have you seen a rose bleeding?

    Roses of Palestine carry all the pain of the little children
    Roses of Palestine refuse to be captured into pictures
    they hate being locked into a frame
    they are like all Palestinians: love freedom
    but they bleed
    Have you seen a rose bleeding?

  2. Yes Anja, Yes Amir;

    I know anja that you are Palestinian hearted and what we still do not know amir is that did not the world know that there are palestinians who are to be called human being and they are the only occupied nation in the recent history.

  3. ja, Anja, yes, we manage to exchange poems. Poems born from anger and powerlessness.
    Ramadan, know that at least we try to listen to what happens.That it is not unnoticed.

    Beslan, Palestina, Darfur, Iraque. Children, murdered. Victims of the present and the past, cut off from their future and their ways to find a better solution. It makes me furious.

    Thanks for your poem, Ramadan. And Amirs questions make sense.

  4. Heb eerst gedicht gelezen daarna verder gekeken en vooral de foto’s. Dat is nu een aantal uren geleden en ben nog steeds
    zeer getroffen. Dit is zo persoonlijk, zo intens en vooral de
    foto van het bebloede schrift.

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