Letter from Ramadan (3)

Dear Anja;

Who are they?

I do not know how to describe my feelings about what happened last night.
Seeing hundreds of innocent people injured in the awuful explosion in Egypt.
I do not care what nationality they carry, they are people with hearts as
we all are. In the news they say that they are Israelis, so I am sorry for
the Israeli blood shed. It is not the solution, and never will be. Who is
trying to complicate it? Who is trying to increase the tenssion. We all
pray for an end of this horrible endless blood shed. We Palestinians could
feel how harmful is it for a family to lose one of its beloved ones. I want
to carry my feelings to all Israelis who are innocent and standing
powerfully to end this unbelievable situation, we all shall work together to
end the excuses of the fundementalists in both sides. Lets coolect our
wounds and teers and go on for peace. Do not let those who become powerfull
on our wounds to grow more and more. Lets stop them from both sides, and
use what is happening in Jabalia and Taba to be the start point.


4 gedachten over “Letter from Ramadan (3)

  1. The whole day i felt sad, and my husband Ali too. we didn’t talk that much about what happened , we only looked at each oter, and said ‘why are people so stupid”. last night i watched the Israelis television untill two. And all those horrible pictures. Can people not even have a nice holiday. I just watched the news, 13 iraqis killed while they were on a wedding party. The americains said that they spotted a safe house for terrorists or insurgents or whatever they called them. They are crazy. Just watched the BBc news, the englishman Ken Bigley , who was captured, have been beheaded yesterday. What a bastards the ones who did it. i opened the website of haaretz, breaking news, a Palestinian girl of 10 have been killed by the IDF.
    i don’t want to watch the news anymore, the world is crazy, and it all are innocent normal people who are dying.
    Were are the damned leaders, whoa re cousing these terrible events, why are they sitting nice and safely behind their desks , adn can decide about the lifes of all these beautifull people.

    Dear Ramadan, I hope form teh bottom of my heart that your sons and my daughters will grow up in a different world. However I don’t have much hope, people didn’t learn much from the past.

  2. Dear Ramadan and Trees,
    You both express in a perfct way the emotions I feel after having watched the evening news of today (and yesterday and the day before…) It is always extremely important to realise what impact these horrible actions of immoral leaders have on ordinary, innocent peace loving men, women and children, individuals like you and me. And to NOT hide ourselves behind ideologies, politics, religions and systems that reduce these individuals to just big groups, populations that have to be rooted out.
    I never forget the attack on a hamas leader in september 2002 in Gaza city. In saw it on TV and also saw the 40-50 more or less severely injured people who had ’the bad luck’ to be what the Americans subtly call ‘collateral damage’. And then, 2 months later, when I was in Gaza, I met 2 little girls, 9 and 11 years old, sisters, who had had this bad luck. They came from school and were almost home. Both of them affected for life, not only physically but even more mentally, psychologically. These girls once and for all opened my eyes that we may never forget that the price of violence almost always is payed by people who have never asked for it. I know this story may sound very naive.But for me, coming from a country where there is peace and justice (okay more ore less…), who had never been confronted with war, violence, blood shed, occupation until he visited Gaza, it was tremendous eye opener.
    I really believe that more than 80 % of both Palestinian an Israeli citizens deep in their heart long for real peace and justice on both sides. Trees, your village where you live is a good example that it is possible.
    But it is the small minority who is always ruling and ruining it for the rest. The prospects for peace in Palestine and Israel have never been so bad. But we may never give up the hope that once there will be smart people who, in a real dialogue, find a way to real peace and justice. Men or women like Ghandi, Mandela, Tutu. For the sake of the majority. Of the innocent children.
    Thanks for your contribution Rammi!

  3. Dear Trees and Joes;

    This was what I felt at the moment I saw the images on TV that night. It felt horrible as much as it does when I see the images of Palestinian innocents being killed. It is for us a long lasting thing. What I am affraid of is to stop feeling anyting towards it, or for us to be a piese of our reality. This is my most fair.

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