Letter from Ramadan (4)

I have to explain this a little to Dutch people, Ramadan.
Ramadan lives in Bureije camp, it is one of the ‘Middle Camps’. He works in Khan Younis, which is further down south, or in Gaza City, where the headquarters of the NCCR are, the organisation for people with disabilities we both work for, up north. Normally you could drive from one point to the other in half an hour, it is only 40 kilometres. But now it takes hours, or even days, or it is impossible for weeks. When the Israeli army decides to close off Gaza is is not only impossible to leave the Strip, also Gaza is divided into three parts and people can’t go from one part to the other. The inside closures happen many times, sometimes even daily. In that case Ramadan can’t take the road to his job and drive there with his colleagues, and he has to go to the beach, and see where the tanks are, and cross the beach walking. People who have difficulty walking, older people, pregnant women, small children disabled people or people carrying heavy loads take a donkey car or a horse.
I have witnessed this several times, people walking along the beach, allways afraid the shooting will start again, ambulances struggling to drive through the sand.
Ramandan has written us al letter, explaining things are getting even worse…



ramadan en wael gaan naar huis
Ramadan and Wa’el start the treck going home. This was a good day, there was no shooting.

Dear Anja;

This invasion by the Israelis to Gaza is different, never happened before
what is happening this time. North, middle and south are closed and Gaza
strip is cut into three parts. You know that happened before several times,
but this time is different. This is the tenth day of closure and again it
never happened to be closed for ten days. Before, as you know we were using
horses and donkeys to pass on the beach, this time no way to do it. The
Israeli soldiers killed four horses and two donkeys, so we have to walk.
Walking also this time is different, we have to walk under fire, I saw with my own eyes
eyes, a woman who was shot with her son with 800 mm bullet and was bleeding.
We had to hide or to lay down on the ground. We saw it, the ambulance could
not reach her and the woman was bleeding, she did not pay attention to her
injury, she crawled to the ambulance and tried to reach it for the sake of
her son. The soldiers insisted to shoot to the ambulance and you know that
the Israelis made big holes in the road, so the first aid workers had to run
and carry the woman and her son. Finally, we had to decide and help them.
We could reach the woman and the first aid workers could do it and reach the
son. I told you, this time was different, I did not share in the rescue but
I witnessed it, many people did but I could not be a hero and I do not know
what happened, I was thinking of Mohammed, Mahmoud and Dalia. They were
there at the moment, so I did not want to play any heroic roles. At the
moment I decided not to go to work everyday, but I still go occasionally.


5 gedachten over “Letter from Ramadan (4)

  1. Dear Ramadan,
    You know that I know this ‘alternative route’. You remember that we often warned you not to be heroic, because we know how dangerous it can be to walk on the beach. You already have been shot in your foot. And you have also your responsabilities towards your family. But man, I can imagine that this must have been a horrible dilemma. And I understand your choice

  2. Regarding the low number of reactions your story must be so impressive that no one knows what to say…..???!!!
    Ramadan, it is very important to keep on sending us these personal experiences. It gives us the opportunity to witness the impact of the occupation to ordinary people who, just like you, only long for peace, justice, stability and a home land, where they can live free

  3. Dear Friend,

    It is the first time to me to share you and I hope to be brisk shadow.
    I read what Mr. Ramadan said and through that I laughed (our grandfathers say (“evil calamity makes you laugh”)
    I will tell you what makes me laugh:
    Maybe press and media will cover the animal killing more than the Palestinian killing
    Maybe many of the animal rights organizations will protest because the Israeli army kills the horses and donkeys But how many people and organizations will protest when the Israeli army continuo with making massacres with the poor Palestinian people ?!!!!

    I think when the Israeli army keeps killing the Palestinian people, the Israelis will lose more and more.


  4. Zorba, it is not the media who are concerned about shooting animals. I wouldn’t have known if Ramadan hadn’t told me. It is me who thinks this is disgusting, first, because what have donkeys and horses done to deserve to be shot, second, because donkeys and horses are for many people the only means for transportation and they are very valuable. And the soldiers who shoot them know this, most families do not have the money to buy a new donkey.
    We do not have to choose what’s worse, shooting people or shooting animals. The Israeli’s will continue to do both, no matter what we say.

  5. Zorba, even de donkeys and horses are considered ’terrorists” in gaza. there is inside Israel an environmentgroup who are protesting against the Wall, because the wall is disturbing the life of small wildlife animals.They proposed to make small gates for the hamsters and other animals.
    And yes Joes, you are right, i don’t know what to write anymore. The situation is so terrible, and we cannot do much.Today at BBc a newsitem about a school in Gaza, Yabalya, the principal of the school was so shocked. everywere in the clasrooms bulletholes. Theonly safe entrance for the schoolkids was a hole in the backwall of the school.
    And i also wonder, were is the world, why Israel can do this. Why is there nobody who at least make some protests

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