Letter from Ramadan (4)

Dear Anja;
With all my love and respect I send you this message hoping that it would be
ok for the weblog


Mr. Sharon decided to leave Gaza and withdraw his military forces from
northern Gaza and open all the roads. It is a positive step forward as he
announced because of Ramadan Holy month, as he respects very much the
Islamic traditions and the Muslims’ holy occasions. God, this man is really
a man of principals, who needs to be understood (hahahahahaha) its been done
for the safety of the Israeli people. The Israeli people do have Sharon
and their army to defend them, but who do we have to protect us? This is
the question of the moment. When you go to Jabalia, it is very clear that
Sharon was there, he left lots of remarks that show he was there, didn’t I
say that he is a man of principles. Anyone comes from anywhere in the world
would think that a very strong earthquake caused the destruction, it could
be caused by nature, maybe Sharon is the nature that is attacking us, isn’t
he a man of principles. Oh my God, the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs
indicated that they are very thankful for Sharon that he could understand
the Muslims feelings in this holy month and that despite the attacks on
Israel he left Gaza in peace. It is clear now, Sharon learned to be a man
of principles from the States. We all know that the houses that were
destroyed were built illegally and were blocking the roads for the tanks, so
they were removed, and we all should be thankful for Mr. Sharon and his
principles. Jabalia should have large and wide roads, like any other
civilized town in the civilized world. Oh, it is our fault, sorry Mr.
Sharon we forgot to send you a thank you letter for the beautiful Jabalia
you gave to us. It is not a very big deal the 140 people who were killed
during the operation, they were extra in Jabalia, it is another principle we
could not understand at the moment, it is a lesson in family organizing. Do
not worry Mr. Sharon, Jabalia is very thankful to you and its citizens are
convinced with the peace process. Jabalia at the moment hugs its sisters,
Sabra and Shatila in Libanon and remembers your marks on the ground, on all
the faces of the people who are living there.

6 gedachten over “Letter from Ramadan (4)

  1. Just reading the news “Israeli soldier cleared for shooting schoolgirl.(about the girl (Iman Al Hams).
    The commander said.

    Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Moshe Yaalon on Friday concluded that the platoon commander acted properly and that no action should be taken against him.

    In a briefing to the Israeli cabinet last week, Yaalon argued that the officer should be given the benefit of the doubt, saying he suspected she could have been used by Palestinian fighters to divert soldiers’ attention and lure them from their positions.

    I wonder, how this soldier sleeps at night. I guess that he sleeps very well, considering many Israelis he is a hero.
    i can stand this anymore, why we stay aside, and doing nothing.
    Why people read this and think that this become normal.
    And nobody cares anymore. Just read an article of Gideon levy in Haaretz.
    “Killing children is no longer a big deal”.
    Some numbers.
    According palestinian Human Right Groups. 598 palestinian under the age of 17 has been killed. The Red crescent talk about 828 up to 18 years old.
    42 childen wee 10 years old, 20 were seven years old adn 8 were 2 years old when they died. And not to forget 13 newborn infants died at checkpoints during birth.

    The IDF called this mistakes, it seems that they are making mistakes daily. And even when there are whitnesses who say that the killing of Iman was no mistake, they don’t do anything.
    lets at least protest the killing of so many children.
    let us make posters with their pictures.
    Dear Ramadan, i am really upset by the news about Iman. And I am even more upset by the world keeping silence.

    below the link of the article of Gideon levy

  2. Thanks for sending news from Gaza. Reading from people’s own experiences makes me feel more involved. And that’s good; sometimes i start to be afraid of becoming immune for the suffering in Palestina and other parts of the world, especially when it is presented to me in cold facts and figures, as it is in the newspapers and the television. It’s better to get the personal stories. Moreover, in the news we don’t hear a lot from Palestina-Israel anymore. I wonder why. Has the conflict been accepted as a neverending story that isn’t ‘news’ anymore? I hope not. Please keep sending your messages from Gaza. All the best.

  3. It is my pleasure to hear that my messages from Gaza are rising the attention of people in Holland. I will keep telling you the truth and what is going on here.

    Thank you all very much

    Love from Gaza

  4. I have written to the ministry of foreign affairs and to the israeli embassy in the Hague to protest against the indiscriminate killing of children. Not that it will do much good, but i can’t sit still and do nothing. And at least it is in writing so they can’t ignore it completely.
    My heart is with the Palestinians who are fighting for a just cause even though I do not agree with all the methods. Palestinians are entitled to their own state.
    If only the American gouvernment would stop supporting the Israelis. Then they might be forced into negotiating a peace.
    I hope and pray that one day the suffering will stop and children need not be afraid anymore to be killed or maimed. That is what I pray for.

    good luck
    ad boogers, the netherlands

  5. Dear ad boogers;

    Thank you very much for the support and respectable feelings that you have towards us Palestinians. If this would be the condition of all the believers, this will actually help very much in forcing the world to pay attention to us.


    Love from Gaza

  6. Ramadan, Keep telling us your stories, how disgusting they are! We have to act, here in The Netherlands, and in Brussels, to make our governement and the EU commission stop the support to Irael. We have to get Sharon in The Hague for the international justice-court! Anja, can we sue him? Can we help the Palestines sue him?

    We must boycot the Iraelian goods which come from settlements.

    I am really ashamed of our governement and the way they threat in this conflict. It’s about people, not weapons and numbers!

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