Gaza, 4 januari 2008 vervolg


Gisteren was de jaarlijkse evaluatie in Gazastad. De ruimte, waar de gehandicapten anders mooie dingen maken die ze helaas aan bijna niemand kunnen verkopen, zat helemaal vol met mensen.
Het verhaal komt nog, hier al vast de foto’s.










Eén gedachte over “Gaza, 4 januari 2008 vervolg

  1. Dag Anja,

    Warm regards to you,the Kifaia team plus guests and last but nog least our NCCR friends. I am impressed by all the stories and i just realised (coming home from my work at this hour for some consultation in our elderly home)that were it comes to human issues and emotions in healthcare there are so much similarities. Persons just want to realise the best care and cure for their relatives. And reading your stories it shows that although there are differences in laws, policies, culture and so more, these can all be overcome when we act and support each other based on respect, honesty and sincere interest.
    It strickes me to see so much persons and clients to attend the yearly NCCR evaluation gathering. Good luck for the training in the coming days and especially enjoy next January 6.

    Loving greetings, Rianne

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