Ramadan about Gaza

Dear Anja

Regarding what is happening in Gaza, it is really something different than always, it is like a real war. You can not close your eyes for a moment without hearing bombing or aircrafts. Israeli airforce is attacking ’the land of terrorism’ in Gaza. The only difference is that we dont see the tanks and soldiers inside the camps and on the roads.

We still could move around the Strip after the bombing of the 3 bridges, but we are living in darkness following the bombing of the electricity generation station near Burij Camp. The first night of the Israeli attack was concentrated into the middle area and mainly on the infrastructure. They distroyed the bridges saying that they want to cut Gaza into 2 parts to prevent moving the soldier from south to north, but they are lying because we can move and there are still many roads we can use. It is only a message they are sending to us telling us that they are very strong and could distroy Gaza in less than one hour. I think they are stupid, because we know this fact and we need no messages to tell us this. Further, they keep making sonic bombs over our heads, it is terrifying our kids which will make them hate the Israelis more. Your know what Anja, there were people in the Gaza strip who wanted the soldier to be given back to Israel, but now they are calling to kill him.
It is increasingly dangerous and I think this might be the beginning of the end.


4 gedachten over “Ramadan about Gaza

  1. Anja, Kan onder deze omstandigheden de leiderschapscursus doorgang vinden? Het aantal deelnemers zal onder druk staan!

  2. Gaan we bekijken, Harry. We zijn er aan gewend onder barre omstandigheden te moeten werken, dat heeft ons er nooit vanaf gehouden. En Israel kan niet de gehele bevolking in de gevangenis stoppen, al doen ze daar met de belegering van Gaza en de muur op de Westoever serieuze pogingen toe. Leiderschap ontstaat steeds opnieuw. Voor iedereen die wordt gedood of gevangen gezet staan weer nieuwe mensen op die het overnemen.

  3. Dear Ramadan, it’s impossible to find the proper words to express my feelings (my grief, my anger) about what is happening in Gaza. The whole western world is getting mad and I feel a deep shame for my government supporting Israel and the USA. Fortunately the government has fallen this week. Let’s hope we get a new government with ministers who have more respect for human values and rights. And who have balls. So that this disaster can be stopped.

  4. That is a Dutch expression, Ramadan. We say someone who has courage, male or female, has balls. You can’t have more than two, is what I say, or it would be difficult to walk. I think some politicians need more tits, that is to say, use their brains. But this is just a joke, to make you laugh for five minutes. I agree with Joes of course. We, the people who know about your situation feel terrible, that we can’t do more, that nobody tries to stop this madness, and that all you can do is try to survive another grave injustice.

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