Ceasefire NOW -joint Israeli-Palestinian call

Ceasefire NOW! – joint Israeli-Palestinian call

Israelis and Palestinians invited to sign / Others: sign the support petition

The escalation in and around the Gaza Strip is causing terrible suffering to people – to men, women, elderly and children, Palestinian as well as Israeli civilians. The military offensive conducted by the Israeli armed forces has so far caused hundreds of Palestinian casualties; many of them were unarmed civilians. The siege and economic blockade have reduced most of the Gaza Strip’s population to abject poverty, devastated its economy, and caused the death of critically ill patients, denied access to vital treatment. The Palestinian attacks on Sderot have severely traumatized its population, far beyond the physical casualties caused among them.

This is not a conflict between two equal forces. The most powerful army in the Middle East, backed by the world’s single remaining super-power, is daily using tanks, fighter planes, helicopters and gunships against the lightly-armed militias and overcrowded population of a small area whose people have lived under occupation and in poverty long before the present siege.
Yet the individuals caught in the fighting are all suffering – on both sides of the fighting, among both peoples. The pain of living in daily fear, of being wounded and mutilated for life, of grieving for the loss of loved ones, is the same pain – whether one’s country be oppressed or oppressor, occupied or occupier, rich or poor, powerful or powerless.
The attacks on both sides of the border feed on each other and intensify each other. Palestinians in Gaza, rightly feeling themselves still living under occupation despite the Israeli ‘disengagement’, seek to resist occupation, but when some use launching of rockets against civilians, they manage only to provide an additional justification for tightening the siege on Gaza and the escalation of Israeli violence.
The cycle of violence and bloodshed goes on and on, and the threat of an overall invasion and re-conquest of the Gaza Strip is openly and repeatedly made by the Israeli military and political leaders – with the cost estimated at hundreds or thousands of casualties.
We, the undersigned – Israelis and Palestinians – do not accept this grim reality as inevitable. There is a clear and obvious alternative to bloody escalation and strangulating siege, an alternative providing hope: an end to the siege of Gaza, and a ceasefire and cessation of all hostilities.
The siege of Gaza and the collective punishment of its population are totally unacceptable. It is a medieval form of war which is in utter contradiction to the present norms of human rights and international law – which Israel, as an occupying power, is bound to respect. There should be an immediate end to the siege, unconnected with any other issue, and the Gaza Strip must have free access to the outside world, for the free passage of persons and goods.
It has already been clearly seen that the suffering inflicted on Palestinian civilians in Gaza did not and cannot solve the problem of Sderot. The only solution is a complete and mutual ceasefire, an end to all armed attacks by the Israeli occupation on Palestinians, including all shootings by infantry, tanks, artillery, aircraft and gunboats, and all targeted killings, armed incursions and arrests across the border, and an end to launching of rockets by Palestinians on Israelis. In addition, this should involve a reopening of the prisoners issue, starting with negotiations on the exchange of Israeli soldier Gilead Shalit with Palestinian prisoners.
We regard such a ceasefire as an entirely realistic, achievable and desirable act, which would save lives, alleviate misery and create better conditions for any attempt to achieve peace between the two peoples – while understanding that no long-lasting solution is possible while the Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem continue to live under occupation.
See the full text in three languages including how to sign
This is an initiative of the Israeli and Palestinian coalitions which worked together for the January 26 convoy and simultaneous demonstrations against the siege.

Uri Avnery’s Column
This Week’s Message
Press Releases
אמת מול אמת

Ceasefire Now

The escalation in and around the Gaza Strip is causing terrible suffering to people – to men, women, elderly and children, Palestinian as well as Israeli civilians.
The military offensive conducted by the Israeli armed forces has so far caused hundreds of Palestinian casualties; many of them were unarmed civilians. The siege and economic blockade have reduced most of the Gaza Strip’s population to abject poverty, devastated its economy, and caused the death of critically ill patients, denied access to vital treatment. The Palestinian attacks on Sderot have severely traumatized its population, far beyond the physical casualties caused among them.Â
This is not a conflict between two equal forces. The most powerful army in the Middle East, backed by the world’s single remaining super-power, is daily using tanks, fighter planes, helicopters and gunships against the lightly-armed militias and overcrowded population of a small area whose people have lived under occupation and in poverty long before the present siege.
Yet the individuals caught in the fighting are all suffering – on both sides of the fighting, among both peoples. The pain of living in daily fear, of being wounded and mutilated for life, of grieving for the loss of loved ones, is the same pain – whether one’s country be oppressed or oppressor, occupied or occupier, rich or poor, powerful or powerless.
The attacks on both sides of the border feed on each other and intensify each other. Palestinians in Gaza, rightly feeling themselves still living under occupation despite the Israeli ‘disengagement’, seek to resist occupation, but when some use launching of rockets against civilians, they manage only to provide an additional justification for tightening the siege on Gaza and the escalation of Israeli violence.
The cycle of violence and bloodshed goes on and on, and the threat of an overall invasion and re-conquest of the Gaza Strip is openly and repeatedly made by the Israeli military and political leaders – with the cost estimated at hundreds or thousands of casualties.
 We, the undersigned – Israelis and Palestinians – do not accept this grim reality as inevitable. There is a clear and obvious alternative to bloody escalation and strangulating siege, an alternative providing hope: an end to the siege of Gaza, and a ceasefire and cessation of all hostilities.
 The siege of Gaza and the collective punishment of its population are totally unacceptable. It is a medieval form of war which is in utter contradiction to the present norms of human rights and international law – which Israel, as an occupying power, is bound to respect. There should be an immediate end to the siege, unconnected with any other issue, and the Gaza Strip must have free access to the outside world, for the free passage of persons and goods.
 It has already been clearly seen that the suffering inflicted on Palestinian civilians in Gaza did not and cannot solve the problem of Sderot. The only solution is a complete and mutual ceasefire, an end to all armed attacks by the Israeli occupation on Palestinians, including all shootings by infantry, tanks, artillery, aircraft and gunboats, and all targeted killings, armed incursions and arrests across the border, and an end to launching of rockets by Palestinians on Israelis. In addition, this should involve a reopening of the prisoners issue, starting with negotiations on the exchange of Israeli soldier Gilead Shalit with Palestinian prisoners.

We regard such a ceasefire as an entirely realistic, achievable and desirable act, which would save lives, alleviate misery and create better conditions for any attempt to achieve peace between the two peoples – while understanding that no long-lasting solution is possible while the Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem continue to live under occupation.

5 gedachten over “Ceasefire NOW -joint Israeli-Palestinian call

  1. Hallo Anja en iedereen. Vandaag is het 5 jaar geleden dat Rachel Corrie, een Amerikaanse vrouwv die zich had aangesloten bij de ISM (international Solidarity Movement) is omgekomen toen ze een huis in Rafah wilde verdedigen wat op het punt stond om vernietigd te worden door een buldozer. Rachel ging tussen de buldozer en het huis staan. Uit beelden is duidelijk gebleken dat Rachel duidelijk te zien was voor de bestuurder van de buldozer. Ze stond op een heuveltje en droeg een oranje vest. Maar de buldozer is doorgereden over haar heen. Een paar minuten later was ze dood. Rachel zou in April 2003 22 jaar geworden zijn.
    Gisteren heb ik de ouders van Rachel Corrie ontmoet. Cindy en Greg Corrie. Ze waren hier voor de opvoering van het theaterstuk “My name is Rachel Corrie” of in het arabisch ” Ismi Rachel Corrie”.
    Rachel was een jonge meid, die erg begaan was met het wereldgebeuren. Haar gedachtes hierover schreef ze in een dagboek. Voordat ze vermoord werdt, was ze al 7 weken in Gaza. Dit toneelstuk is gebaseerd op haar dagboek en de emails die Rachel schreef aan haar ouders gedurende haar tijd in Gaza.
    van haar schrijven is een toneelstuk gemaakt door een engelse schrijfster( of amerikaans, weet ik even niet) genaamd Katharine Vinner. het stuk werd voor het eerst opgevoerd in Londen,en heeft daar weken lang gelopen. In eerste instantie weigerde men in de US om het op te voeren, maar daarna is het toch opgevoerd in wat kleinere theaters. Het is in Noorwegen opgevoerd, en gisteren was de 10de opvoering in Haifa, in het Al Midan theater. De actrice die het speelde is Lana Zreik, een palestijnse uit Haifa. We ontmoetten de ouders van Rachel tijdens een etentje waar we waren uitgenodigd (Ali en ik,)Ook hier waren aanwezig de engelse actrice die Rachel in Londen heeft gespeeld en onze vriendin en actrice uit Ijsland Tora die Rachel in Ijsland wil gaan spelen. De vader van Rachel zei dat hij deze vrouwen beschouwde als een soort van pleegdochters. Zoals jullie misschien wel begrijpen, het was allemaal een erg emotionele bedoening.
    S’avonds de opvoering.
    Ofschoon het stuk in het arabisch was en ik niet alles begreep, pakte het me van het begin tot het eind, en algauw begonnen de tranen te stromen. De actrice Lana Zreik speelde het stuk op zo’n ongelooflijke mooie manier, helemaal alleen op het toneel, anderhalf uur. Ze bracht ons algauw binnen in de belevingswereld van een amerikaans meisje dat zograag de wereld een betere plek wil maken. Ze laat ons zien hoe Rachel de gebeurtenissen in Gaza beleefde, en daarover schreef. De horror, de afschuw, de verbazing dat de wereld dit toestaat. het heeft bij mij iets losgemaakt. We lezen de kranten, en kijken naar het niews, en we zien aantallen gewonden en doden. Maar de woorden van Rachel Corrie, geven via dit toneelstuk inzicht in het lijden, het dagelijkse leven in Gaza. Het praten met de ouders van Rachel was zo indrukwekkend. Deze mensen willen dat Rachel voortleeft, ze willen weten waarom dit gebeurd is met hun dochter. Hoe afschuwelijk om naar een toneelstuk te kijken waar je overleden dochter wordt neergezet door andere personen. Maar deze mensen zijn zo gedreven.
    Dit toneelstuk maakt een verschil. Ik hoop toch zo dat iemand in Nederland dit oppikt en het gaat vertalen en bewerken in het nederlands, het is zo de moeite waard.Ik ken niemand in de theaterwereld, maar het zou echt geweldig zijn.
    Anja via je email stuur ik de aankondiging van het stuk hier in Haifa, ik weet niet hoe ik dat moet doen via je blog.

  2. Lieve Trees, het stuk is ook gespeeld in Nederland, ik was er bij en ook ik was in tranen.
    Je hebt het op mijn weblog gemist. hier.
    En laten we niet vergeten elk jaar Rachel Corrie even de gedenken.

  3. Hoi Anja, sorry, had het inderdaad gemist. Had het wel gelezen, maar misschien neit zo belangrijk gevonden. Ik had hetselfde als jij. Eigenlijk geen zin om ernaartoe te gaan, was liever thuis voor de buis blijven hangen. Maar wat ben ik blij dat ik geweest ben, het ws een ervaring die ik niet had willen missen. groet

  4. Dear Uri ,

    We highly appreciate your advantageous initiative with the respected Israeli and Palestinian coalitions who obviously exert great efforts to achieve peace between the two peoples .

    Actually , we sustain such endeavors include the petition of ceasefire in an effort to maintain souls of innocent people that are killed everyday via an open war in an enduring cycle of violence and bloodshed .

    We also strongly support demands of stopping the siege and the collective punishment of our population in order to alleviate miserable conditions here in Gaza Strip .

    Thank you …….

    NCCR team


  5. Dear Uri ,

    I’m so happy with your peaceful calls that all appeal to put an end to the current oppressive siege in Gaza, in addition to your hopeful demand of ceasefire and cessation of all hostilities.

    All my honorable greetings for each representative of peace among your admirable coalitions ….


    NCCR – Gaza

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